Nintendo Switch: they bend and the phenomenon takes on a global scale

by Jerry

The bendgate also affects the Nintendo Switch. While the problem had already been highlighted at the beginning of the year, many players took to social media to denounce the phenomenon of the console that bends on its own and seems more and more recurrent.

While many players around the world are struggling to get their hands on the console, it is currently being singled out by those who have managed to get it. Indeed, as we explained earlier this year, many Nintendo Switches bend on their own under the effect of the heat.

This situation infuriates many buyers to the highest extent and we can understand why. Nevertheless, Nintendo takes its responsibilities since the SAV easily takes over the units affected by this phenomenon to exchange them. However, the concern is spreading like wildfire across the globe according to social networks.

Nintendo Switch: More and more consoles bend under the effect of heat

The drama that is happening reminds us of the case of the iPhone 6 Plus and its bendgate which has aroused the mockery of the competition through several images shared on social networks. Nevertheless, this time it's the users who share their experience and it's much less funny for the shot.

Nintendo has been aware of this problem since the beginning of the year, yet cases are multiplying worldwide at high speed. All we can hope for is that the Japanese will take the full measure of the problem and resolve it as soon as possible on its production lines.

Even the Japanese, many of whom are coming forward at the moment, deplore what is happening to them. It is understandable above all that at home it is very complicated to get the console while in another register the threat of a sales ban hovers over the Switch.

Big N will have to explain himself and solve this problem sooner or later. For your part, have you ever noticed this defect on your Nintendo Switch? Let us know in the comments.

ニンテンドースイッチ購入してからまだ4日目ですが、もう既に曲がりつつあり、液晶も浮いてきてる。 欠陥ぎ #ニンテンドースイッチ #NintendoSwitch

— Yehl:) (@Atelier_Yehl) July 24, 2017

Packing up my warped Switch to send to @NintendoAmerica

— 'Frenchy Friesaru' (@FrenchyFriesaru) July 18, 2017

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