UFC-Que Choisir accuses Samsung of misleading customers over production conditions

by Jerry

The UFC-Que Choisir filed a complaint against Samsung because of a misleading communication about its production conditions. The firm gives itself an impeccable image while stories seeming to indicate otherwise regularly surface.

Credits: Phonandroid

"In its fight for responsible consumption and against 'fairwashing',the UFC-Que Choisir, is filing a complaint today against Samsung Electronics France and its parent company Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. before the Paris Court of Justice for deceptive business practices,"the UFC-Que Choisir said in its statement. Before explaining in one sentence the substance of the problem: "the social responsibility policy displayed by the brand on its website turns out to be a mirror to larks".

Samsung embellishes its production conditions too much according to What to Choose

The association recalls that the company's activity encourages "child labour in cobalt mines in the Republic of Congo"and lists a series of other grievances deemed "overwhelming" by the association: "infernal work rates in China and suspicions of forced labour of an ethnic minority, exposure of employees to toxic chemicals in South Korea…". A reality that seems diametrically opposed to the image that Samsung seeks to give itself.

The manufacturer largely asserts on its website and in its other communication channels its responsible footprint. The Samsung website, dedicated to the group's "vision", states that the firm "believes that ethical management is not only a tool to respond to the rapid changes in a global business environment, but also a vehicle to build trust with its stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, employees, professional partners and local communities."

The firm says it seeks to "become one of the most ethical companies in the world" with internal control systems and staff training "while implementing fair and transparent business management." These are all assertions that are sometimes contradicted in the facts. This is also regularly denounced by various NGOs. Que Choisir cites a study in which "90% of respondents say that, in general, they are more appreciable of groups that have a good social responsibility policy." It is therefore understandable that groups like Samsung are interested in investing heavily in their image.

Read also: Apple, Google and Tesla on trial for child exploitation in cobalt mines

Que Choisir hopes that its legal action will "end this charade and that this company, a leader in its field, will effectively put into practice the values it displays. What do you think of the action of the consumer association and this practice on the Samsung side, gladly referred to as "fair washing"? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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