Huawei Mate X: the screen is as fragile as the Galaxy Fold

by Jerry

The Huawei Mate X screen would fall victim to the same problems encountered by Samsung's Galaxy Fold. Screens break very easily, and repairs are worth half the price of the smartphone.

The technology of foldable smartphones is still in its infancy. This is what we remind of many reports from China around the Huawei Mate X. The manufacturer's first foldable smartphone was launched in China in November 2019. And there was a lot of expected, especially on the sustainability side – compared to Samsung's solution on its Galaxy Fold. However, according to several videos and user feedback, the foldable smartphone screen is just as fragile as its competitor.

Serial breakdowns

The SlashGear site includes a list of user videos compiled by the YouTube Fold Universeaccount. There are several screen failures. In some of these videos, the screen is completely unusable. In other cases, only part of the screen stops working. In others, a thick black line appears in the middle of the slab after a number of uses.

Finally, a video shows a screen that appears to be functional, but whose touch part has its flaws. The Mate X sold quite well in China where it soon ran out of stock. Alas, for the new owners of this smartphone at 2299 euros, replacing the screen costs almost half the price of the device. It should be noted that following the scandal of the fragility of the Galaxy Fold screen, Samsung has put in place special tariffs so that the first owners of the device do not find themselves too aggrieved by a possible failure.

Read also: Huawei Mate X – don't install protection on the foldable screen!

The change of screen on the Galaxy Fold costs only 130 euros the first time. And the price of the repair remains more reasonable excluding warranty since a replacement costs up to 500 euros excluding warranty.

Source: Slashgear

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