Huawei will no longer install Google apps even if sanctions are lifted

by Jerry

Huawei is definitely done with Google's services. The Chinese manufacturer will refuse to reuse Google's apps and services even if U.S. sanctions are eventually lifted. The group prefers to rely on Huawei Mobile Services and no longer depend on technologies from the United States.

Interviewed by our German colleagues at Der Standard, Fred Wangfei, head of Huawei Austria, assured that Huawei has made a cross on the services and applications of the Google Mobile Services suite. Even if Donald Trump's restrictions are dropped, Huawei will continue to favor its own suite of applications, Huawei Mobile Services. As a reminder, Huawei is already testing its alternatives to Google's services in China.

Huawei wants to be independent from the United States

Andreas Proschofsky, a journalist with Der Standard, says Fred Wangfei has given the same answer on multiple occasions. Doubt is therefore not allowed. According to the media outlet, Huawei is reluctant to revisit Google services for a specific reason. The firm is clearly concerned that new restrictions will be enacted in the future and wants to "get rid of this dependence on American politics."

Read also: Huawei wants to replace Google apps on its smartphones as soon as possible

Faced with the outcry caused by this statement, a spokesman for Huawei Germany quickly stepped up to clarify the situation. The spokesman says the relationship between Google and Huawei has not changed one iota. In another press release relayed by The Verge, the brand blows hot and cold regarding the future of GMS (Google Mobile Services) on its smartphones. "Our first choice is the open Android ecosystem, including GMS (Google Mobile Services) – that's what allowed us to become the world's number two," the statement said.

"I believe that Google and Huawei hope that a license will be granted. As a result of the sanctions, we are currently developing HMS (Huawei Mobile Services) – inviting app developers to join us. This offer has generated a lot of positive interest in Europe. It should be remembered that we have been one of the main contributors to the Android open source operating system over the past five years," says Huawei.

Huawei's statement is clearly aimed at easing any tensions with its partner Google and reassuring users, who still hope that everything is in order. Nevertheless, Huawei does not completely deny Fred Wangfei's statements and even takes the opportunity to highlight its own alternative to GMS. The manufacturer can therefore be expected to take the opportunity to claim its independence from American products. Work in this direction is already well advanced. For example, Huawei already has an alternative to Google Maps developed with TomTom.

Source: Der Standard, The Verge

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