Apple will facilitate the screen switching of the iPhone 13. The promise came to light after the discovery that replacing the component in independent assists prevents the use of Face ID, even if the part is original. The information was revealed by the manufacturer to The Verge and Engadget on Tuesday.
The new positioning is a reaction to the controversy that began shortly after the launch of the mobile phone. At the end of September, it was discovered that Face ID stopped working when changing the smartphone screen in an independent assistance. To further complicate the situation, the problem happens even when installing an original component on the phone.
The other details about the case came to public on the 4th. According to iFixit, the limitation is caused by a small chip that sits behind the display. This component is responsible for authenticating the dashboard with the iPhone serial number. Thus, when identifying a different code than expected, the screen was not recognized as genuine.
Now Apple has bowed to pressure and intends to put an end to the controversy. To specialized websites, the manufacturer said it will release a software update to solve the problem. Thus, the assists will not need to do the “transplant” of the microcontroller when changing the screen, which would significantly facilitate replacement.
It is not yet known when the update that removes the difficulty to make the screen change will be released to users.
Other information about the case was revealed by iFixit last week. In an article, the site explains that it is possible to make the change of the screen without preventing the use of the iPhone biometric system in independent assists. The process, however, is much complex and more costly compared to Apple-authorized assistance.
The procedure is performed by means of a chip “transplant”. That is, to reset without affecting Face ID, you need to remove the part from the old screen to implement it in the new panel. The problem is that the method requires the use of special tools and the participation of specialized people, which makes the service more expensive.
On the other hand, Apple-authorized establishments don’t have to face all this work. The manufacturer’s partners have access to the Apple Services Toolkit 2 software. Thus, these assists can authenticate the new screen through the app and replace the display without needing “transplants” or disabling Face ID.
“It is important to note how completely unprecedented this is. Screen replacement is incredibly common,” the iFixit article said. “Tens of thousands of repair shops around the world support their communities by replacing screens for customers at competitive prices. And Apple is, at once, seemingly cutting the industry to its knees.”