Nintendo Labo: a wheelchair controlled by the Switch, in video

by Jerry

Nintendo Labo is a concept as unexpected as it is brilliant, especially when its users take over the concept to go beyond the creations of the various kits. Japanese disability engineer Kentaro Yoshifuji has created a playful Wheelchair based on Nintendo Labo so that a 13-year-old with a disability can "have fun while others walk." To discover in video.

Nintendo Labo has just come out as engineers push the idea to its limits. Japanese engineer Kentaro Yoshifuji has created a fully controlled wheelchair using the Nintendo Labo's Joy-Con "motorcycle steering wheel" kit. The goal of the project was to bring a smile back to a 13-year-old who was stuck in a wheelchair because of a heart problem. In a series of tweets, Kentaro Yoshifuji explains: "Wheelchairs should not only be vehicles for people with disabilities, but also a convenient way to get around for everyone."

Nintendo Labo: Clever engineer creates controlled wheelchair via switch game, video

She added: "My son used to say 'I'm sorry to have fun while everyone walks'. He perfected his driving style. The limits of the body are not only negative." This is how this wheelchair was born that anyone can drive through Nintendo Lab. Alas we do not know about the source code to adapt this device to other electric wheelchairs will be available as well the details around the interface used by the wheelchair and accessories of the Switch.

Nintendo does not yet offer an API per se, but the game cartridge that goes with the Nintendo Labo kits has a publisher called Toy-Con Garage. This allows to create beyond the possibilities offered by the kits. With a little more abstraction, since it is a matter of connecting an action in "entry" to an "exit". However, in the examples we had seen so far, this device seemed to work only with accessories for the Switch.

世界初!ニンテンドーラボで操作する電動車椅子。 移動物車椅め乗ど @origamicatど車椅瞬ユユユえ思えザ やぱヒ 任や堂×研究所 研究所

— ?T-Kケヒ/YUUガ発刊!ござ (@Takeru_FTX) May 1, 2018

車椅子は身体が不自由な人専用の乗り物ではなく、どんな人が使ってもいい楽ししく便利な乗り物となればいいな。 「みんな頑張って歩いているのに自分だけごめんなさい」と思うことが多かったという息子。 颯爽と運転する姿にこみ上げた。 ネガ足 身体 @origamicat

— ?T-Kケヒ/YUUガ発刊!ござ (@Takeru_FTX) May 2, 2018

'ユ病車椅ザ臓臓歳臓為皆-皆-皆 lab操作車椅を作


分身 — May 1ボ開発 @origamicat May 1, 2018

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